I am using arvbox
to test arvados locally. I created a container request for a container that had already run, using the API. Then, again using the API, I set its state to “Committed” to make it run, with the following call:
curl -k -X POST \
-H "Authorization: OAuth2 $ARVADOS_API_TOKEN" \
--data-urlencode container_request@/dev/stdin \
https://$ARVADOS_API_HOST/arvados/v1/container_requests/ \
to which, I got a normal response as such:
The problem is that now I can’t view the dashboard.
just gets me to a page saying “Oh… fiddlesticks. Sorry, I had some trouble handling your request. Path not found (req-9jae7foedgv070cs7vv7) [API: 404]”
The weird part is that the “req-*” code changes every time I navigate to this page.
I have tried killing the box, restarting, using a different browser, logging out and back in (my account in arvados), but nothing has worked so far! Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: If I send a GET request for all the “state: Final” container requests through the API, I can see the process of the last workflow I sent. Also, I can access “Home” from the “Projects” dropdown, but when I select the “Processes” tab, I get a “Oops, request failed” error…